After your booking

Immediately after purchase, the Main Buyer receives a booking confirmation via email within 48 hours with the details of your order. Make sure to check your spam folder or unwanted emails.

Following options are only available for the Main Buyer of the Global Journey Package, with exception of the Add-on Sale. 

Booking overview 

You will receive a Confirmation Mail including all detailed information after your purchase. 
You can also now find your Global Journey order in your Tomorrowland Account. Your Account always contains to most up-to-date information about your order. 

Address Confirmation or pick-up 

If you have a Global Journey order, your Treasure Case with Tomorrowland Bracelet(s) will be shipped to the Main Buyer's home address at the beginning of July. If you are traveling in July and won't be home, you can choose to pick up your Tomorrowland Bracelet(s) on site (hotel, DreamVille, Tomorrowland). Main Buyers can now confirm their shipping address or choose to pick up their Bracelet(s) in their Tomorrowland Account. 

Deadline for submitting your choice is April 15, 2024, 12:00 CEST. 

Add-on Sale

In the Add-On Sale, you will be able to purchase Food experiences, DreamVille breakfast formulas, lockers, and more. More info will be available at a later stage.

Travel info 

The Main Buyer will receive all necessary Travel info before your departure, via email.

Visitors with disabilities

Global Journey puts in a great effort to make the festival and accommodations accessible to visitors with disabilities. If you have any special requests, please e-mail