Chill Out Area

The Chill Out Area is located between the Magnificent Greens and the Marketplace and is freely accessible for every DreamVille visitor.

This area focuses on recharging your body by sports, relaxing and enjoying more healthy food and drinks in a chill and easy-going environment. Make new friends during a friendly padel match, finally try out that yoga class you have always wanted to or discover a sport you might have never heard of yet. 


Sports Areas


Join a morning yoga session at the Balance Area to get your endorphins flowing without breaking a serious sweat. These sessions are free and for every level given by experienced instructors who will make you feel re-energized in no time!



Recover from the Madness at the Recovery area. No need to skip dancing-legs day, hit the gym on your own or join one of many group classes. Even a boxing ring is available! The recovery area is entirely free and the instructors here will safely introduce you to the world of fitness.



Make sure to check out the open field for more sportive fun! Bring your own volleyball, football or spikeball to play a fun game with your (new) friends. 

This is also the place where you can try out some fun out of- the box-sports like Bumperball last summer. More information on the sports offered in this area will become available closer to the festival.



Play a leisurely game of padel in the beautiful Tomorrowland padel cage or challenge your friends for a fun tennis set. You will be able to make reservations and rent the necessary equipment on the spot. The staff will even team you up with other visitors if wanted!

Chill Areas


If you are looking to recharge in a more relaxing way, hit your internal snooze button in a hammock.



If you are looking for a relaxing experience with something to eat and drink, the lounge area is exactly what you are looking for. In the cozy back of the Chill Out Area you will find a drinks bar and some food options to enjoy. The ideal spot to wake up with the Tomorrowland Today, a nice bite and chill music sets.